6 tips to toilet train a house cat
As a cat owner, one might assume that pet training is more suited to dog parents and that one’s hyper-independent feline furball would resist any attempts at teaching. But one might be surprised that it’s pretty easy to train cats. This is especially beneficial if one’s plagued by the stink of an overflowing litter box and wants to toilet-train their feline companion. Here are some proven training tips that can work. Keep one bathroom only It’s important not to confuse the cat and have a designated bathroom for its business. One can choose a bathroom that’s easiest for the cat to access. Move the litter box into the bathroom Since the cat is used to the functions of a litter box, it will need to associate the bathroom with the elimination area. Move the litter box next to the toilet and let it defecate there a few times to get used to the new spot. Cats are self-learners, so patience is the key to training them. Raise the litter box gradually The litter box should be raised gradually to the toilet seat’s height. It’s essential to slow down this process to ensure that the feline is comfortable with the height of the toilet.
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