7 clear signs of tick bites in pets
Ticks are tiny external parasites that latch onto pets, feed on their blood, and leave small, red, and itchy bumps on their skin. These bites can be quite common in pets and are often harmless. But, if left unchecked, they can sometimes lead to other health issues. So, it’s crucial to check the pets regularly for tick bites. Also, understanding the signs of tick bites can help one promptly address them and avoid complications.
1. Visible ticks
Finding a tick on a pet’s body is one of the most common signs of a tick bite. Ticks can vary in size and color, some are dark and small, while others seem swollen. It is important to check pets regularly for these pests, particularly in and around their ears, between the toes, and armpits.
2. Skin redness
Once a tick bites the pet, the affected area turns red, inflamed, and slightly swollen. This can cause persistent itching and a burning sensation, making the pet restless. So, one should check for any red spots, and if they turn into rashes, they should consult a veterinarian immediately.
3. Excessive scratching
If a pet constantly scratches, bites, or chews a particular area in their body, it could be a sign of a tick bite.