5 things to do with the placenta after birth
The placenta is an organ that forms during a pregnancy. It is attached to the uterus lining and helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the fetus via the umbilical cord. In several cultures, there are different ways that the placenta is used and honored after a mother gives birth. Many individuals prefer using the placenta meaningfully rather than discarding it after the birthing process, so here are some things that can be done.
Donate the placenta
Some people choose to donate their placenta, which can be used in many procedures. Since this organ is a nutrient-dense tissue, it can help in reconstructive surgeries like healing wounds and burns, spinal surgeries, ocular procedures, and a lot more. Some dedicated organizations help with this donation for completely free, but it is important to have this conversation with one’s healthcare provider so they can help with making the right arrangements. There might be some formalities, like filling out a form and some paperwork ahead of time, so it is vital to get this done beforehand.
Plant the placenta
Many people choose to do this. Some people feel attached to the placenta and feel like it needs to be honored instead of donated. So, they choose to plant the placenta in the yard.